Gosho, later to make major films like 4 CHIMNEYS and AN INN AT OSAKA, is still feeling his way with Sound Film.
In a neighborhood bar, there's a gathering of five students of whom only Kobayashi has graduated and married. When he leaves and one goes off to see his dancer friend, the remaining trio determine to invade the husband's new home and see if the stories are true that the wife, Tanaka no less, talks in her sleep.
The arrival of a partying neighbor and finally a burglar don't produce any excitement.
Unadventurous staging - the bulk of the action takes place in two small decors, We only go out of doors for the shots of entering or leaving the premises and a few glimpses of a model one car train, distant at night. Not much as plots go and no one gets a chance to make an impression. The picture of thirties urban Japan still occasionally intrigues.
The slightness and constricted settings irritate at first but they become the piece's back bone as it progresses.