"Sons of Denmark" is a stunning debut from young director Ulaa Salim and it shows the effect a continuous and perpetrated hatred propaganda can do on people.
Some people in the former review says this film wants to defend terrorists and propose a political view, that's absolutely stupid and not true.
The film doesn't want to display a political aim of view, the film very carefully shows you from every single prospective and points of view how racism and hatred can only cause an escalation of violence which can only lead to more violence. None character vision is predominant, every prospective is deepen in the way the viewer can understand that beyond this movements there are always human individuals who often are presumptuous to play the part of the judge or the God. While instead are always humans with flaws.
The film doesn't only refer to Danish situations, as this film could be set everywhere in Europe or USA.
The final result is an incredible political thriller, very nicely crafted, with a strong script and a very solid and important direction. A powerful film which is not scared to punch you in the stomach showing you a potential reality, extremized but not impossible.
Ulaa Salim and main actor Zaki Youssef are worthy to be followed as I'm very curious of what they will do in the future.
A must watch film. Amazing!