Okay, the message is this. Men are selfish scum. The best characters in this film is actually in a supporting role. The friend of the mother and the bakery co-worker. Anyway, the teenager, while pretty, just runs too hot and cold for credibility. She's sweet as honey to her Mom at one point then vile, cruel and vindictive the next. Teenagers are like that, but you'll take my meaning if you sit through this. It's this kind of tripe that sabotages this film throughout. The school bully is a bit over the top. The teacher is a joke, too. But still it's enjoyable in parts, minus the predictable sappy ending. The main character, the mom, is played quite well and she had my sympathy for having raised such a snot of a girl. I dunno man. It just kind of left me cold. Was expecting so much more from this. Try The Snapper. It's a much more clever and competently produces movie, although in that one it's the daughter that's preggers.