This could have been a really great, creepy little b-movie with just a few minor tweaks. The first 20 or so minutes really had me drawn in. The acting was a little inconsistent but passable. Wardrobes and sets felt pretty cheap but I can usually overlook that. But then the witches show up. And I mean cartoonish, pointy-nosed, cackling Wizard of Oz witches. But they're also zombies sort of? Spraying blood everywhere and just ruining the good occult horror vibe the film had going. Some other reviewers have drawn comparisons to From Dusk Til Dawn and yeah that does come to mind but Pale Door had absolutely none of the self aware, self deprecating humor which made that work. It's like there was one idiot producer involved who at the last minute decided, "it needs monsters, though." And they just shoe-horned in these absurd witch-zombies that I cannot get past. Shame on whoever thought that those noses had any place in a horror movie that was trying to take itself at all seriously.