A couple of little bits in the first episode had me wondering if I was about to watch a soap opera. Not exactly sure why I had that feeling. It could have been a transition or background music. It was a bit of a mixed bag, but definitely engaging enough to keep watching. I'm happy I did, because I enjoyed it!
As another reviewer has mentioned, one should not watch this if they've trying to quit smoking, (or drinking)! It's everywhere. Everyone's smoking darts, all the time! And half of the characters are boozing as well. I don't think any of the filled ashtrays contained stunt cigarettes. They were all legitimately smoked. By cast, by crew, even by passers-by perhaps!
The reason I wanted to write a review is because I think the camera work should not go unnoticed. Yes, it is a help to have some naturally stunning nature to film around, but I sense that whoever is in charge of getting these shots must have a real art background. Almost every scene/shot is balanced and framed beautifully, whether it be with colour, or the asymmetric balance of objects/scenery. The detail is amazing. Falling snow, rain, shining drops of water in the sun after a recent downpour...The elements were captured beautifully. The colour grading in this show is absolutely stunning. This shines on a nice OLED, where you can see how well they've handled the many night time scenes, and indoor scenes with daylight streaming in, fire, skin tones etc.. Everything is balanced and beautiful. Also, great to have a full 16x9 ratio filling up my TV space for a change!
The story? Engaging enough for sure. Kept me interested! It's always nice to have variety. I search out international shows like these because it's so great to see other countries and their people, even if it's fiction!
I know it's a strange review, talking all about the things on the surface as opposed to the whole, but as I mentioned earlier, I felt the need to call out talent when I see it!
A big hello to Poland from me in Australia. :-)