It's a fairly interesting concept, though it has been done before I've never seen it quite like this.
Most 'eternal life' shows have a very limited number of people living forever - the rich and/or powerful or a single villain. In this one, the vast majority can live indefinitely (it's never clear on the percentages of people who are 'incompatible'.)
It works as a mystery 90% of the way through the show, mainly because nothing that anybody does has any clear motivation. Even some of the basic premise is contrived - why set the 'age of majority' to 30 in general just because a person can't regenerate until 30? Minors are not drink, and everyone under 30 is designated a minor just because this one technology doesn't work for them yet. Lots of little silly things like that.
But the worst part is that nobody has any real motives for anything. A bunch of random things are being done by people for no apparent reason, other than "well I've lived a hundred years I'm ready to try something new."
There are also several rabbit trails and things that are hinted at but never followed up on. What exactly is 'retraining?'
(The following examples are obvious from the first episode, and apparently not in any way significant to the plot, so don't worry.)
Why does Darius get headaches when he regenerates? Does the law they are voting on forbid all births or only restrict them, and if it forbids all births then what will they do as people die from accidents or violence?
The end seems to try to be a bit philosophical, but it fell flat for me because there was never any real reason given to believe anything would really change, ever.
It wasn't terrible, it just wasn't clear enough to be moving or thought provoking or exciting or much of anything beyond slightly interesting.
If I could live a thousand years, I don't think I'd ever get bored enough to watch it again.