Shadow of the Colossus shines with its stunning boss fights and an epic soundtrack, though lacks in case of story.
The story of Shadow of the Colossus is simple: A young man wants to revive a princess and therefore rides into the forbidden land. There he has to defeat 16 colossi. I won't spoiler here, but the end is not surprising and as bit open. This is definitely not the biggest strengh of this game. (5/10)
This is where the strenghs lie, nearly every boss fight is different from a flying dragon to a sand worm or a lion you have everything here. Between the boss fights you get respawned in the center of the map and have to find the next colossi with your magic sword. Defeating the colossi is always the same but the way to find its weakness is the true challenge. This makes fun and is clearly the best of the game. (8/10)
the music of Shadow of the Colossus is also phenomenal. "The End of the Battle" is the best title of the game and creates its mysterious atmosphere.
The remake of Shadow of the Colossus is a great idea from Sony, because this game is a must play for every complete gaming life since it has a unique gameplay and an extraordinary soundtrack.