The movie begins with a quotation from Boileau -Narcejac ,two writers famous for having written Clouzot's "les diaboliques " and Hitchcock' s "vertigo " .Let's be straight about this : the film has nothing to do with them ,even to the lesser extent , with the possible exception of the would be wicked uncle's setup .
The escape on the river may hint at a teenage "night of the hunter" ,but directing ,which is rather dull does not follow suit .The screenplay is a curate's egg : best thing is the character of the girl :is she that much sincere? Does that uncle who wants to get rid of her and latch onto her heritage really exist (the same goes for the kind grandpa ) ? Does she suffer from paranoia , seeing enemies everywhere from a couple of harmless tourists to a man who might be a pedophile to a simple hen "my uncle's spy" ? Her fits of hysteria may incline the viewer to favor the second hypothesis.
As for the boy, the character is thoroughly plausible in the first sequences : the episode of the wounded bird does not lack poetry or emotion, two qualities which would descends into the banality of the initiation of a virgin lad by an older girl;nevertheless,their relationship ,apart from the expected sex side , is more ambiguous than it appears first : the boy ,every now and then ,is afraid of his mate:perhaps a metaphor for the fear of the first time,most likely some kind of sin with a new Eve who takes her to a paradise (see the last sequences ,superbly filmed ) where a latent menace hangs on them.