I never expected it to be anything that good. No, really, it's fun! First, it is a really well-made piece of filming. Second, this is a real superhero movie, a fact even more surprising, taken that... well, let's be frank, Russians do not know anything of comic books and superheros. It's just not in the culture. But this one time they did it!
Igor Gromov (Grom ~ Thunder) is a superhero without superpowers. You may think of him as a total anti-Batman: he wears no mask , owns no money (lives in poverty literally), has no fame, but he acts in absolutely the same manner as Bruce Wayne: using his brain, and his knuckles, and never taking a life. You will find other references to Gotham, too: the police department, for example, and some other places, which are totally unrealistic for Russia. But the rest is just a thick layer of everyday Saint-Petersburg life smeared over slices of the most truthfully taken city center. Together, the hero and the city background make the most wonderful mix! As for the story, it is much different from those done by Marvel or DC. I'd even say it is quite unique. It runs along a different kind of track, and it has different climax points and unexpected turns.
Overall. Good writing. Good acting. Good CG. I'll say it again, this is a just a very well made movie. And it is fun! Probably the very first real Russian superhero movie that really made it!