I swear I dont know why ANYBODY has scored this below a 5. ( I do really)
Yet some streaming platform drivel with huge plot holes, awful acting, that looks like its filmed on a camcorder from the 90s can score 8!!...That Genuinely puzzles me.
This film is a beautifully made and very well acted love story..And in a couple of scenes I really believed the love was real.
Its a love story between a man and a woman then a man and his best friend with a tiny bit of sci-fi thrown in.. but the over arching questions I took from it were..
Would destiny take over from time travel?
What would you sacrifice to make to make people you love happy?
The world today is full of selfish people, you know the ones, you have seen the reviews on this very platform.. Always telling you what you're allowed to think or say but only they have freedom of speech.
Probably the epitome of selfishness..Taking away your ability to think freely.
Which leads me to why this excellent film scores o low...
We see it in a lot of the reviews on here..scoring a very well made film a 1 because they dont like an actor in it, not thinking about all the people connected to that production or how well its actually made.. YOU may not like it for political or personal reasons but it doesnt warrant a score of 1. I watch lots of rubbish I really this is political broadcast...
but I dont score it a 1 because in the old days the best rose to the top..sadly now people try to push the best to the bottom. A very new phenomenon.
For whatever the reasons that people score this low, what I can absolutely say about this beautiful love story is that it had me a 50 yr old martial arts, tough guy, zombie apocalypse movie loving guy like me actually choke up.
Its kinda like spotless mind in reverse...Kinda.
If you deep down love a good love story then sit back and enjoy.
If youre expecting back to the future part 3, then go watch it...This isnt for you.
An easy 7.5/10.