After watching this 2020 movie "You're Not Alone", I kind of wish that I were alone. This movie was not great, let's not beat around the bush.
I sat down to watch "You're Not Alone" from writer Andrew Wong and director Eduardo Rodriguez because the movie was labeled as a horror movie, and also because the cover/poster for the movie was actually interesting.
Well, turns out that this was more of a thriller than it was a horror movie, so I was somewhat disillusioned with the movie and I felt bereft of a horror experience. I can see that IMDb also has the movie labeled as a thriller and a mystery.
The storyline told in "You're Not Alone" was just rubbish in my opinion. Writer Andrew Wong brought nothing new to the cinema with this 2020 movie. In fact, everything that transpired in this movie had been seen before in other similar movies, so it made for a very stale movie experience, especially since the other - and older - movies fared better than this 2020 movie did.
The acting in the movie was adequate. Well, it was not great, but nor were it all that bad. But taking into consideration the limitation imposed by the lack of a proper script and storyline, then I think the actors and actresses were doing adequately enough. The characters, however, well don't get your hopes up here, because they were bland, uninteresting and just too generic.
In fact, as the movie ended, I was left with an overwhelming sensation of 'was that really it?'. So, I can't really claim to be impressed nor overly entertained by "You're Not Alone".
My rating of this 2020 thriller lands on a mere three out of ten stars. If you enjoy thrillers, give "You're Not Alone" a wide berth, because there are far, far better thrillers readily available out there.