A struggling mixed martial arts fighter finds himself in a fight for his life after his one night stand is found dead in her home.
I must admit that I was expecting a low budget, direct to video, 'wannabe action classic', whereby the filmmakers intentions fall sadly short of what was aimed for.
A Violent Man however, writer/director Matthew Berkowitz should be proud of crafting a twisting story that kept me hooked throughout.
A Violent Man occupies the ground of "worst case scenario" situations. After Ty, a struggling mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter played by Thomas Q. Jones cheats on his girlfriend with a reporter (Denise Richards).
This however, is the catalyst for a series of events that takes Ty down an increasingly crooked road involving money, sex, death, violence and regret. Each turn in the road seemingly taking him one step further towards his dream of fame and fortune, only to be ripped away from him at the last moment and another obstacle put before him.
The entire cast was believable and drew me into their characters, and the character of Ty; a man whom I was truly invested in seeing what became of him. The only problem i had was that it could have been edited down to 1h 30min instead of 1h 47min and the sex scenes could have been edited slightly too but other then that, i found it quite enjoyable.
Conclusion - A Violent Man is far more than your average fight movie. Recommended, Rated this 7/10