One of, if not the worst, of these fashionable modern daytime dramas. They seem to be everywhere these days and I'm assuming they must be cheap to make, or why bother?
Usual clapped-out 'mother and daughter don't get along' relationship as the mother is too controlling and the daughter wants her 'freedom' story, which culminates in the daughter going missing.
Nobody believes the mum, least of all the police, and she realises she has to find the daughter on her own.
I'm not a fan of these newer tv dramas as they seem to be similar: generic plots, tired scripts, uninventive camerawork and stale direction. Most of these TV movies are bad but this one seems to stand out from the rest because of its sheer awfulness.
The main problem with this particular effort is the acting. I couldn't find one decent, believable performance with one actress being completely dubbed and the other English actress giving one of the most atrociously wooden performances I've ever seen. She really needs a new career.
The rest is just dross. Kirsty Swanson, never the best of actresses, in the lead isn't much better.
Steer clear of this one. Unless you like watching painfully bad acting......????