The plot centers around Ranjan (Prithviraj Sukumaran) and his wife Priya (Raashi Khanna), who move into a new house in Fort Kochi, only to find themselves caught in a chilling chain of eerie events. The couple soon discovers that their new home harbors a dark secret-one that threatens to destroy their lives. The narrative follows Ranjan's desperate attempts to uncover the truth behind the supernatural occurrences and save his wife from an evil force tied to an ancient Jewish relic. Ezra is a solid entry in the Malayalam horror-thriller genre. While it may not reinvent the wheel, it is a well-crafted film that offers suspense, atmosphere, and strong performances, especially from Prithviraj. The supernatural elements, coupled with a chilling narrative, make for an engaging watch, though some predictable moments and pacing issues prevent it from being a truly standout film. Fans of horror and mystery will likely appreciate the film's tone and direction.