I found this show on Netflix one day and remembered seeing the Talking Tom game in the app store. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I can say I was pleasantly surprised. Each episode has a different, unique plot so it never gets boring. However, the episodes do have some level of continuity. The plot is pretty interesting for a kids cartoon. The basic concept is also fairly interesting-Tom and Ben, who have extremely different personalities, own a tech company, which they run from the garage they live in. Along with them is Hank, who is mostly there for comedic purposes and moral support, Ginger, a troublesome 7-year old who hangs out at the garage, and Angela, an aspiring singer and Tom's love interest. This unique cast of characters really work well together. I won't get too much into the characters and plot, because that would contain "spoilers". However, there isn't much to spoil. It's a very easy to watch, binge-able show (each episode is only around 11 minutes) and I really appreciate the work that goes into making the series. If you go into how based in reality the show is or how the show could've been better, it wouldn't be Talking Tom and Friends. But enough said, if you have young children (or a couple hours to spare), give it a try. Hope this helped.