I liked much of Cat Sick Blues because it's twisted and different. Its opening is very strong (killer music, man) and parts of it are enjoyably visceral, like the scene where Ted remembers his cat exploding.
Other parts of Cat Sick Blues are unpleasant, and bad unpleasant, even for horror. Case in point: the rape scenes. The argument against pornography is that it objectifies women: it turns them into sexual objects. Very obviously, that goes for rape and murder, and women seem to exist only in this movie to become brutalized. Additionally, the barbed, phallic prosthetic that Ted wears is nothing short of disgusting.
These major shortcomings aside, much of Cat Sick Blue can be enjoyed: its tone, editing, colour, and sound are all well done. There are some great images, like Ted running down the canal, scaring away the seagulls, as well as the opening credits. I especially like the music and the screwed up mood Cat Sick Blues shoots for. Additionally, our leads, played by Shian Denovan and Matthew C. Vaughan, both bring a lot to the film. Shian especially, a beautiful and talented young actress. (Go Scotland!)
...But I can't condone the rape scenes. I know horror is meant to appeal to the senses, but those scenes are gratuitous. And the less said about Ted's prosthetic the better.