Michael Balk
- Artiste
- Production
- Scénariste
Michael Balk est acteur et producteur. Il est connu pour Get Grubby TV (2014), BrainBuzz (2018) et Pipe Dream (2015).
Série télévisée
- Voice Over Guy
- Einstein
- Adventure Man
- Archimedes
- Thomas Edison
- Caveman
- Galileo Galilei
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Harry Houdini
- Karl Weatherman
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Wally Lewis
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Benjamin Franklin
- Cave Man
- Commentator
- Doctor
- Egyptian
- Heath Urban
- Isaac Newton
- Jules Leotard
- Professor Cranium
- The Sun
- Unexpecting Man
- 60's Guy
- 80's Dude
- Achilles
- Adventrue Man
- Albert Einstein
- Alexander Fleming
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Alfred Nobel
- Alfred Vacheron
- Allen the Alien
- Alloy Boy
- Anaximander
- Anders Celsius
- Andronicus
- Annoying Musician
- Ashrita Fuhrman
- Attractive Vet
- Balloon Boy
- Barry the Bat
- Barry the Butterfly
- Basketball
- Bath Boy
- Bee
- Bill The BrainBuzz Reporter
- Bill the Baby
- Blacksmith
- Boyfried
- Brad the Bilby
- Brain Buzz Secret Agent
- Brain Controller
- BrainBuzz Reporter
- Bridge Brother
- Bruno the Chef
- Build It Boy
- Cambyses II
- Cane the Cane Toad
- Car Pool Guy
- Carbon Atom
- Carl The Camel
- Carl Weatherman
- Casette Kid
- Cat Whisker Guy
- Charles Darwin
- Charles Kingsford Smith
- Charles McIntosh
- Charles Richter
- Charles Sturt
- Chester
- Christiian Huygens
- Chuck Yaeger
- Chuck Yeager
- Circus Guy
- City Guy
- Claudius
- Cockroach
- Colin the Cone Snail
- Comedian Stormy Day
- Conrad the Cockroach
- Cooking Brother
- Coret The Coral
- Cornelius the Cave Man
- Cpt James Cook
- Craig The Crocodile
- Craig the Crocodile
- Da Vinci
- Date Guy
- David Belle
- Detective Daryl Dog
- Dodgy Brother
- Dolly the Sheep
- Dolphin Student
- Doug the Dung Beetle
- Douglas Mawson
- Dr Watson
- Earl of Sandwich
- Eddy The Egyptian
- Edgar the Elephant
- Elon Musk
- Eric the Explorer
- Ernie the Entomologist
- Euclid
- Exersize Guy
- Extreme Ironer
- Famous Guy
- Ferdiand Magellan
- Frank The Fly
- Frank from Finland
- Fred Spofforth
- Freddy the Flea
- Game Show Contestant
- Gary the Glow-worm
- Gene the Gene
- George Devol
- George Smith
- Georges Claudes
- Gerry The Germ
- Go Green Guy
- Gold
- Gravity Guy
- Hairdresser
- Harrold Shafer
- Hawaiian
- Healthy Harry
- Hearing (Human Senses)
- Herb Elliot
- Historian
- Homer the Homing Pigeon
- House Husband
- IBFC Commentator
- Immune System
- Inflatable House Guy
- Jack of All Trades
- Jacques Cousteau
- James Starley
- James the Jellyfish
- Jeweller
- Johannes Gutenberg
- John Harrington
- John Larson
- John Logie Baird
- John McEnroe
- Joseph Banks
- Joseph Coyle
- Joseph-Michel Montgolfier
- Karl Benz
- Keith
- Keith the Koala
- Ken the Kangaroo
- Leon Theramin
- Leonard the Lion
- Levitating Man
- Lord Lamington
- Lover Boy
- Luciano Pavarotti
- Michelangelo
- Mick Machine
- Mime
- Miss Baker
- Monty the Monkey
- Morning Show Guy
- Mornings Presenter
- Mould Man
- Mozart
- Mr Metric
- Mr Summer Time
- Mr Young
- Mr. Laser
- Mr. Simple
- Mr. Spark
- Nasa Officer
- Nathan from Naples
- Neil Armstrong
- News Reader
- Niel Armstrong
- Nikola Tesla
- Nikolai Tesla
- Noodle Performer
- Norman Stingley
- Not Steve Jobs
- Numbers Guy
- Ocean Man
- Old Man
- Orville Wright
- Over Guy
- Pacific Ocean
- Pedro the Polar Bear
- Percy Spencer
- Percy The Parrot
- Percy the Plastic Bag
- Persian
- Pete the Potato
- Peter Plankton
- Peter the Pirate
- Phar Lap
- Pharoh
- Picasso
- Pierre Curie
- Pierre Lallement
- Pigeonman
- Ping
- Planet Earth
- Plato
- Pointless Host
- Prospector Pete
- Pull - Motion Brother
- Raft Historian
- Ray Wrecker
- Rene Descartes
- Richard Bowyer-Smith
- Rick Brick
- River Guy
- Rob The Robot
- Rock Shop Dude
- Rock out guy
- Rodeny The Rescue Dog
- Rodney the Rainbow
- Roman
- Rudolf Nureyev
- Scarecrow
- Scott the Skin
- Scott the Stick Insect
- Self
- Shane The Sheep
- Silvio Silver
- Sir Isaac Newton
- Skateboard Dude
- Sneeze Guy
- Sports Store Sam
- Stan the Stalictite
- Steve Jobs
- Steve The Stonemason
- Steve the snail farmer
- Steven Spielberg
- Stop Mo Guy
- Summer Guy
- Telegrapher
- Terry the Tasmanian Devil
- Testamonial Man
- The Atmosphere
- Tim Traveller
- Tony Hawk
- Tony Hawke
- Trevor Trusty
- Venom High Guy
- Viktor the Vampire
- Voice Mine Your Own Business Boy
- Voice over guy
- Waller the Worm
- Walt Disney
- Walter Burley Griffin
- Water
- Watermelon Man
- Wendy Wabbit
- Wheel Guy
- William Higinbotham
- Willy The Wind
- Winter
- Yuri Gagarin
- Zero
- Ziad Fazah