In this alternate reality, Tom on his 25th birthday is to pick out his soulmate by her voice alone. Twenty women who are also marking their 25th birthdays read poetry and he chooses one voice. How grotesque for the women, who don't choose or refuse.
French film is renowned for being ruled by philosophy. What is this philosophy, that women exist for the sole fulfillment of men?
Moving on, Tom now sets off to find his partner by her voice alone. Aided by a specialized detective, they locate Lea. But he's not satisfied and essentially rejects her, creating in his head his ideal mate Jeanne.
For all its appeal, conveyed through breathless and frantic performances, and some interesting lensing, the dark cloud that hangs over this film is its positioning of women as subject to male approval and selection. How about a world where men wear crotchless pants leaving their genitals exposed and they are judged by women without being allowed to speak?