This is not really a review of the documentary but more of a thank you to Lizzie.
Its impossible not to shed a tear during this documentary. I think everyone has been bullied at one time or another in their lives. At times I had an extremely tough time in school. I was called many hateful names and each and every time it hurt. I'm a lover not a fighter type. But people just do not realize the impact they have when they pick on other people. Its so sad that people have killed themselves because of this. Some are very young kids with their whole lives ahead of them. So please everyone out there who is having a tough time or being bullied, just remember, it gets better, I promise. Please don't give up, don't give in. Get some help from someone or call one of the hotlines that are available. You are a special person and are here for a reason.
Knowing Lizzie Velasquez, she will probably read each and every review here, so from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you. Thank you for your kindness, courage, inspiration, and motivation to help others. Keep doing what you're doing, you have probably saved many lives. If the majority of the world were a little more like you, it would be a better place to live.