Frank Dubosc is a simpatico but decidedly low brow
gallic entertainer who will surprise fans and foes with
this very funny gritty comedy plus faux film noir set in french
snow country, wich he wrote, directed, acts in (without ever
flashing his trademark smile), that owes to "Fargo".
Critics back home took note of the creative upturn,
and might have had a hint from the excellent cast
on hand: Laure Calamy ("My donkey, my lover and I")
new queen of french comedy and drama alike,
Benoit Poelvoorde the maverick belgian film star
("Man bites dog"; "L'amour ouf" gangster hit of 2024),
and a top supporting cast including Emmanuele Devos
("Read my lips"), Josephine de Meaux & Anne Le Ny (
("Untouchables"), plus perky newcomer Kim Higelin
("Consent") who plays provocative daughter to sensible l
local pussywhippedd sheriff Poelvoorde trying at christmas' e
eve to keep family, colleagues, priest, migrants and fellow
smalltowners out of trouble and out of the cold,
while freak accidents, drugs, cash and corpses pile up
like a parody of Murphy's law gone amok in the french
Appalacchia (the Jura region in the title)...and yes,
there's also bear (a big one), eventhough everyone
shruggs it off: "You know there are no bears around
here!". To make sure while you laugh, join this
mischievous ride all the way to the end, even after the