While the movie itself couldn't use the likeness or even the actual look of the iconic creepypasta, the film itself was alright, nothing too good and somewhat breaking the rules of it's own idea being that of found footage, meaning the film constantly uses stuff other than just the main characters cameras such as a screen capture of a call with the main characters around the middle of the film. It tends to feel very fan film esq, in which case I'd have said watch many of the others that are online. While the film itself is free on YouTube via Popcornflix. I still have to respect the creators for at least trying to build a form of mystery, however the main characters aren't likable all too much and honestly make me root for this tall faceless monster to kill them already. The characters interactions do feel somewhat genuine at times however it doesn't save the film from coming off as very midrange YouTube production and the lack of Slender Man overall does hurt the film. Overall 5/10, for what it did, it did okay, but it could've been so much more.