The show is about the trials and tribulations of trying to run a unique farm to table restaurant. The chef, Vivian Howard and her husband, Ben Knight, were not created for television, but simply show what it's like struggling with raising a family, running a business, and trying to be creative.
It's fun watching the daily efforts of a restaurant being the fly on the wall. We get to see what it looks like from the back of house, we get to hear about the stress of exhaustive daily effort, and we see the success and failure from a seemingly honest point of view. Vivian Howard and company make each episode interesting and educational.
I enjoy watching "A Chef's Life". Sure, there are 'Reality TV' moments that seem a bit contrived and the occasional scripted moments. But, all and all, it's fun. Haters Gonna Hate, but I will come back and watch each and every episode. I Love It.