Let me start to say im the target audiance for this
i love magic ever since im little
i love magic shows and tv shows on magic
and i really love pranks
so how on earth did i not love this show ?
From the first "magic" that they do
you could spot that the siblings are in om this and their "surprised" acting is terrible.
No camera and TV crew would waste days of shooting
days of hiring directors, makeup artists locations, all of that dozens of peoples work
if there is a chance that the "pranked" person wouldnt agree to publish him getting scared.
They had to be part of this or the production couldnt actually do it.
As i assume some people would said they dont want to be on the show as the pranked.
And production wouldnt take the risk.
You could clearly see by their horrible acting of the first people the fake drama.
And it only gets worse from there.
They show and talk on magic as if its 1990 and people still are golable or dont know how things are made.
They could have addressed it so much better as there is a ton of wasted potential.
They could have shown them building the "magic tricks" testing them out a bit like "myth busters"
and explain how they want it to work
they could have give more time to planing the retrebution pranks.
And skip the fake spoof.
Just do it as the profuction comes to the brother and sister and tells them we are going todo prank on yoi you just dont know when and how.
I closed it at episode 1.5
and its too bad as im the target audiance for this.