I thought this show was hilarious. It really stood out in the world of animated comedies. The plot was original, funny, and had just the right balance between being realistic, and completely ridiculous. The characters were unique, quirky, either completely lovable or hate-able (is that a word?...lol) and just all around well thought out in my opinion.
I have watched it several times now and it just never gets old for me, I was so sad to find out it didn't get renewed for season 2.
Too many of these animated shows depend on dirty jokes, sexual situations, and gross-out humor, it was refreshing to see one that was funny without having to resort to that for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I love my Family guy, Futurama, American Dad, etc. just as much as anyone else, but this one is really different from those, and I liked it.
It has some things that are easy to relate to, which I thought made it even better, like the struggle of being a single mom, dealing with fake people, etc. But then it also had scenes that were completely absurd, and probably would never happen to a normal person, and they end up being hilarious.
Also, almost ever episode actually has a lesson to be learned that can be applied to most peoples life, another thing that is different than most animated shows. Usually, the lesson you take away from them is something ridiculous, like "If you're going to steal, be prepared to murder as well," from the Family guy fairy tale episode (lol).