A ridiculously tiny comedy routine involving comedian Nick Thune telling us about the curious time when he was caught by a roommate while masturbating. Not exactly in the way it sounds...but later on he shows the "act" how it happened. Haha.
Thune knows how to briefly tells his story but it would be a lot better if he actually managed to find a way to let the telling get longer, include gigantic and humored events just to make it more relevant as a comedy project. It's just one minute of film and it'd be fun to see another guy interacting with him during the "actual" gotcha moment; but on stage (another video found on the net) it gets longer because he tells the story, carrying a guitar, playing some bits, almost threatening to sing but just adding more random and funny events. The live event is far more unusual and hilarious than this video, which is OK, passable, no damage done and no time wasted - nice to see him at the end pretending to be nude. 6/10