I watched this series on Netflix in the UK. I found the series extremely enjoyable. I enjoy these dramas from other countries and recently enjoyed Caliphate from Sweden and Fauna from Israel. I was shocked to see the featured review had given this series 1/10. Several characters have interesting arcs through the series and it shows the difficult lives that riot officers face and how this affects their health physical and mental and their family life also. I dont want to give away spoilers but it was recommended to me by a friend who also enjoyed it. In virtually all TV and Film entertainment you have to 'suspend disbelief' to some extent. All shows and movies would be fairly slow and boring if they were completely true to real life. Some people don't like subtitles but they don't bother me and after a few minutes a don't even realise I am reading them. I've never seen anyone look so grizzled as the character Mazi. Working as a police officer just breaks people and makes them cynical. I recommend this show. I work in medicine and I agree with the featured review I keep away from medical dramas because they are not realistic and I end up saying OMG another get the bullet out and it will be all right show. They pack a lot in to six episodes.