When Pitch Perfect arrived back in 2012, it was considered a reasonable critical and commercial success - $65 million box office from a $17 million budget was nothing for Hollywood execs to be over-thrilled about but profitable enough to be thought of as a win. Then in the years following a combination of DVD rentals, sales and downloads as well as fantastic word of mouth turned Pitch Perfect into a guilty pleasure/cult classic – a chick flick that appeals to both sexes with a feel good factor, quotable dialogue and a soundtrack good enough to sing along to. Fans were crying out for a sequel and therefore in true Hollywood tradition, an encore has now arrived. Whilst Pitch Perfect 2 doesn't quite hit the same heights of the original, it doesn't disappoint.
Set three years later, the Bellas, led by Beca (Anna Kendrick) are at the top of their game. Three time national Champions and now performing in front of the President of the United States. After an ill-fated Miley Cyrus-like act by Fat Amy (Aussie actress Rebel Wilson) causes the whole world to see her private parts, the Bellas are humiliated and banned from performing in the National Championships. Seemingly back at square one, their only road to redemption is to win the World Championships – a tournament that no American a capella group has ever won. Faced against the terrifying but efficient German group Das Sound Machine, the odds are once again stacked against the Bellas and, just like before, they return to being underdogs.
Thankfully there is more plot for the audience to be involved with including Beca's internship at a recording studio as she follows her dream to become a music producer, although it's proving harder than she thought. Fat Amy gets her time in the spotlight in a will she/won't she love story. New character Emily, (Hailee Stanfield) is also a welcome addition as the newest member of the Bellas and contributes immensely as the group bond and are forced to re- discover who they are.
Although Pitch Perfect 2 is more or less a repeat of the first movie, there are plenty laughs to be had throughout and is equally as funny as the original. The majority of the comedy is centred around Kendrick, Wilson and Brittany Snow and, whilst the rest of the group are practically invisible at times, the one-liners are shared out amongst them. The supporting cast are also as reliable and as funny as ever. The inevitable musical climax is good enough for the audience to stand up and cheer in support of the Bellas.
It's a guarantee that Pitch Perfect 2 will be more successful than the original and talk of a three-quel will no doubt arise, however if this is to be the Bella's last performance, it's a worthwhile hit to finish on.