"Amityville Turkey Day" serves up a deliciously twisted sequel to its predecessor, "Amityville Thanksgiving," courtesy of director and writer Will Collazo. This time, a demonic turkey wreaks havoc on the set of an indie horror film, turning Thanksgiving dinner into a nightmare. As the plot delves into the mysteries surrounding Frank Domonico (Mark C Fullhardt), and a leaked tape exposing his misdeeds, the film within a film concept adds layers of intrigue. With sleazy filmmaker Rocco at the helm, supported by a quirky crew including his mom, the chaos unfolds swiftly after the delivery of a mysterious package. What sets this film apart is its commitment to fun, with witty dialogue delivered impeccably by a dedicated cast. "Amityville Turkey Day" revels in its own absurdity, making it a delightfully entertaining watch that doesn't take itself too seriously. With a stellar ensemble cast and inventive storytelling, this sequel is a must-watch for horror aficionados craving a unique spin on the genre.
Stand out performances by David Rodriguez in his acting debut. Had me pissing my pants. Also note amazing performances from David Perry and one of the best performances I have seen from Tim Hatch.
Really fun dialogue delivered flawlessly by the dedicated actors make this really fun to watch. What makes this fun is it doesn't take it self seriously and has fun with it.
Stay for the end credits Alot of pop up
Cameos including me.