Bhoot Returns made by the versatile filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma sadly offers nothing new and paves the same nails of the director's earlier flicks like Phoonk and Raat. I wonder what made RGV think that he could replicate the success of the novel Bhoot.
Like Phoonk, the story of BR is about a small girl possessed by a restless evil soul whom she calls "Shabbu". Her parents (J.D. Chakravarthy and Manisha Koirala) realise what a grave mistake they made by moving into a new apartment, like in Bhoot. Add to that, the hero's sister (Madhu Shalini) decides to install cameras into the house to see if there's really a spirit present in the house (attention: Paranormal Activity). I wonder why RGV is obsessed with not giving his horror flicks a happy ending or leaving the plot incomplete like he did in Raat, Darna Mana Hai and Darna Zaroori Hai. Is another sequel to Bhoot Returns on the way? I hope not!
The way the story is fashioned, there's not much scope for histrionics. Manisha Koirala battles with giving her expressions of fear and confusion. She handles most of the part with ease but looks lost in others. J.D. Chakravarthy tries his best with expressions. Madhu Shalini tries to bring some novelty to the plot but again, her efforts are restricted by the plot. Alayna Sharma shows promise.
I like the way how RGV handles the scary scenes without sound effects. The silence helped to enhance the mood of the film in most portions but the chills and thrills in this film are limited.
Overall, Bhoot Returns disappoints. By the time, the film ends you'll have popped several anti-depressant pills and went straight ahead to bed!