The newest Wild Dogs Production is a highly suspenseful crime-drama full of plenty of twists and turns. It details a series of seedy, unlikeable characters and their efforts to obtain a large sum of ransom money. The film is gritty, nihilistic, and given the aforementioned nature of the characters, there really isn't anyone to root for. Despite appearing larger in scale in the trailer, the film has plenty going for it despite its small budget. It's well shot, fairly well acted, and not really predictable in the slightest. That said, the movie seems to suffer a bit in the pacing department at times and doesn't really deliver in memorable or stand-out scenes beyond the first half. Furthermore, some plot details and twists come out a little bit awkward and confusing. Somehow though the whole thing seems to come together by film's end, if leaving a few questions to ponder. All in all, a solid enough effort. Even if it doesn't quite "fire on all cylinders", it really makes you think.