Movie is available on Hotstar.
Before making up my mind to watch it, I checked out its IMDB rating which gave a negative perspective. However, i thought of giving it a try and to find out myself why so low ratings.
If it would have been released like 25-30 years back, or even before, it could have still worked out. Now i am not saying there weren't good court room Hindi dramas available that time, but now things are different; people watch more realistic approach, or if not, adrenaline filled bursts.
I am no lawyer, but whatever i have heard or seen or found, it is a very tough and protocol oriented job. There is a code of conduct and one has to follow it one way or the other. The court decorum has to be maintained, no matter what. This was something in the movie that bothered me the most. One of the lamest, unrealistic, and no-decorum-followed court drama that I ever watched. You need to watch it yourself to understand it in real.
The second problem came with the easiness of the way the prosecutor handled the whole situation. The dealing between a best and an amateur lawyer in the city felt lazy and sluggish. The writers should have watched other court room dramas like Jolly LLB to understand how the heat between lawyers increase tensions in the peoples mind watching it.
The movie already felt like shaping to provide justice to the student. We all know that at the end the outcome should have been what was shown, but the situations to derive it felt lame, boring, melodramatic, and one-sided.
Overall, i will give it 3.