After waiting 16 years for another great main line 2D Sonic game, we were greeted to "Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I", which was much less of a continuation, but more of a compilation of levels that had identical themes used from past games, as well played much worse than ever before all while doing nothing interesting. It, in more ways than one, felt like a slap in the face instead of the celebration it was meant to be.
2 years later, and we're greeted to this: a much better game. Still not anything good, mind you, but unlike Episode I, I can't really call it bad, either. It's average. The visuals are a lot more detailed this time around, the gameplay, while still worse than the Genesis games, have been greatly improved and is now what I deem "decent", the inclusion of tails, as well as the new moves you can do with him to help you through levels is awesome and well executed, the game actually has original theming (FINALLY) and does a decent job in having it stand out, and the boss battles are a lot more ambitious, as well.
This game finally has just enough to it to where I can call it "okay", even if nothing more than that. Partially because of the levels and music. The levels, despite having more to them, are surprisingly uneven and a bit forgettable. While I wouldn't say the levels are bad, they really don't have a whole lot going on in them. There should have been more thought put into the level design. Same can be said about the music. For as bad as "Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I" was, it, at least, had some very good and memorable music. Here? Not really. All of it sounds a bit samey, and none of it is relatively memorable. This is one of the only soundtracks in a Sonic game that I can't say is good, as it's mostly completely disposable. And even though the originality is much higher this time around, the developers couldn't help themselves into reusing the special stages AGAIN, but from Sonic 2 this time around.
Aside from that, I can see how some may like this game. But just like Episode I, it's heartbreaking to see these games have the title of "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" when they do so little to push the envelope, and while this game definitely does a better job, that doesn't change the fact that the genesis games still did everything this game did, but so much better.
Apparently, there was going to be an Episode III, but because of the backlash from these 2 episodes, it never happened, which I'm a bit torn on. On one hand, at least Sonics legacy isn't being tarnished anymore. On the other hand, if the trend of each game improving a fair bit was still true, Episode III could've actually been good.
We'll never know, but thanks to the likes of the masterful "Sonic Mania" that would release 5 years after this game, I think it's alright to leave these games in the past, because even though this game is an improvement over Episode I, it still has too much going against it for it to be anything that worthwhile. It's a lot more original and competently made, but it's also forgettable. Nothing essential, and despite its name, this isn't the true Sonic 4.