Saw this at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival
"Kokomo City" is a documentary about a raw depiction of the lives of four black trans sex workers as they confront the dichotomy between the black community and themselves. This is director D. Smith's first film and I gotta say this is one impressive debut project.
The film does a pretty good job exploring black trans individuals and how their lives are impacted, work experiences and the situations they have dealt with in their lives. Smith's direction was well documented as the film was both funny and sad at the same time. The main four participants of this film were incredibly interesting to listen as many of them were able to speak with humor and truth.
The camerawork, production and sound design is pretty good especially for a very low budget type of documentary. The soundtrack choices were purposeful and the pacing is great. Smith clearly understands how to make an interesting documentary and throughout, the mixture of different kind of emotions were shown to me that I was able to connect with.
Overall, this was one of the surprises from this year's Sundance and I do recommend it.
Rating: A-
April 25, 2023 Edit: In the light of one of the main participant name Rasheeda Williams. Rest in Peace Williams.