Deon Meyer does not sell his novels like the likes of Grisham, Deaver, Clancy, Ludlum or any best sellers out there..
Yet they make adaptations to his books like they'd engage audiences, this persistent ploy hasn't merited even one nomination from the Emmys nor BAFTA. They made two tv series, Trackers and Devil's Peak are nothing special. On the other hand, a spin-off from a Devil's Peak character was written and made into a film. Night of the hunter is the Netflix made south african film, basically Meyer loved his assegai killer so much he devoted a novel.
Why always casting Sisanda Henna?
He's in all three productions. In Trackers he's a antagonist named Nkunzi. In Night of the Hunter he's a corrupt politician. In this series, devil's peak he is the assegai hunter himself.
It's either the screenwriters are not good or basically the books aren't great...