Still the premise and basic story and concept aren't awful.
One could almost simply go down the cast list and realize just how this movie was doomed to rate.
Its a long list of D list or one hit wonders and so on or never were's.
It even has cliched obligatory shots for some reason that are purely cinematic but anything but realistic in the least.
There are even fairly obvious technical details that id pick at if i had any prior expectations of such detail being addressed well.
Frankly im amazed at how not awful tv movie it managed to be while still rating overall in the same field.
Still there are some good bits. Frankly this could have been cut into a short form short film and be amazing cutting all the padding and dead weight out to make it reach feature length if not feature worth.
Still don't let me mislead you from not seeing if it might be for you at the right time and place because i watched more than my share of 4's and 5's in my own youth for anything but reasons like taste or sophistication.
Often quite the opposite i was more engaged by simple or low brow entertainment action violence and of course every teen boys favorite accessible nudity to some degree in the distant days before free internet access to such things was so pervasive and mainstream.
The great thing about bad movies and bad times is sometimes you need them if only for the contrast to appreciate similar content done to a much better overall quality.
How would we know a far superior version of the gay sexual awakening trope versus family complications traditions or sometimes strict religious fundamentalism if we didn't have something terrible thrown into the average of such genres?
Ganymede seems somehow necessarily bad. When you are content to invest less and make less as long as you can line up profits overall.
I almost think the worst part about it is the unfortunate name choice.
To me it doesn't make a lot of sense despite a minimal attempt to explain it in the film. After trying to understand the choice there are so many seemingly superior options of other mythical characters that would surely fit so much better than this story.
When you don't have all day and endless resources this is what you get when you just have a job to get done.