COMA is a 2012 television miniseries based on the Robin Cook medical thriller of the same name. If it seems familiar, that's because Michael Crichton already directed an adaptation in the form of a movie back in 1978. It was a great little film, and the miniseries seems destined to pale in comparison.
Not that this new COMA is bad; it turns out to be quite decent, especially by TV movie standards. The reason it works is that it focuses throughout on the developing suspense and conspiracy situation, which means that it's never less than involving. Yes, there are problems with the direction and the acting, not to mention plenty of hulking plot holes, but the crucial thing is that COMA remains watchable from beginning to end.
Very nearly, anyway; the last twenty minutes or so falls down with a silly, sci-fi scenario which goes against all that's come before. It's something that belongs in a SyFy Channel movie, not this, but at least it's only at the very end that things fall apart.
The young actors in this production aren't bad, but the most fun comes from 'spot the star' in the older cast members. James Woods, Richard Dreyfuss, Ellen Burstyn, Joe Morton and Geena Davis are all present, and there's fun to be had from guessing which of them is involved. It certainly helps to pass the time, anyway.