Based on the first 8 episodes, this is a non-spoiler short review.
First off, I would recommend this to anyone interested in engaging sci fi.
Watching this show gave me the same feeling as watching the Game of Thrones premiere back in the day after having read the books. The feeling that there is nothing quite like this on TV elsewhere.
Unlike the gritty fantasy land of Westeros however, you are thrown into contemporary China, where a series of mysterious events is tearing apart the scientific community. As the mystery slowly unfolds (and I do mean slowly), your mind is put at work by a plethora of speculative science fiction concepts. It is an absolute treat.
Not only is Three Body a remarkable 1 for 1 adaptation, but stretches out and develops certain elements even further than the book. Sometimes to great effect when it comes to character development. Liu Cixin's books are often criticized for their wooden characters and this show adds a much needed dash of color to the cast. However, this also leads to it dragging on unnecessarily on certain plot threads, creating serious pacing issues in a few episodes.
I'm not very familiar with Chinese dramas and I understand there is ad money to be concerned about, but you know you have a problem when even the audiobook moves the story along at a faster pace than this show. Sequences that could be handled in 30 seconds take up to 5 minutes or more.
Sometimes not every single thing needs to be said out loud and I really wish all the fat could have been left in the editing room. I've heard this was originally planned as a 24, instead of 30 episode series and I feel even that would be stretching it.
Other jarring issues include awkward English speaking sections, as well as the omittance of names of other countries (instead of "America" or "Britain", we are bizarrely treated to "Country T" and "Country M"), I assume this has to do with censorship around contemporary politics.
The show can also suffer from the quirks of Asian drama such as poor editing and while it never falls on soap opera territory, it will sometimes come dangerously close to that line.
At 8 to 10 episodes, I'm sure the Netflix version will have a much tighter pace, though it will certainly not cover the book in the same detail. I believe making this a 20 or 15 episode series would have been the optimal choice for any version.