I was really looking forward to watching this movie. However once I did, I was severely disappointed. The movie deviated from the book far too much. It held some resemblance to the book, but not enough for my liking. There were a lot of crucial moments and character interactions that were pivotal to the storyline left out. Too many changes were made to the storyline which took it down a completely different path. I can't believe Jodi Picoult actually signed off on this. I believe a lot more could have been done with this movie to make it better. They got the basic storyline/plot right, but there were far too many changes that stole away from the book that could have made the movie so much more interesting and true to the story as it was written. I am yet to see the other two movies made from a Jodi Picoult novel, I just hope that they are not as disappointing as this one was.