I had no interest in seeing this movie. I actually skipped watching it for about 3 days, until I finally decided I was bored and I had nothing to lose by investing about 90 mins. I'm happy to say my time was not wasted. Anytime I hear a movie is based in a sanatorium - and quite a few horror movies have been - the end result has not been pleasing to me. This movie, however, did a great job with the story. The acting was very good, though I have to admit Mark was really getting on my nerves for about the first 30 minutes.
Most of the movie, like other found footage films, is shot with camcorders. Usually, I find that to be an annoying, out of date, and rather obvious sign that the movie is low budget. Some are lower budget than others. I don't know what they spent on this movie, but the special effects were fun and not overdone. As I said, the acting was good. The storyline, while not original, was executed nicely. I don't have anything to complain about with this film. Easily, it's a movie I'll watch again at some point. The end scene was gross, but necessary to keep in step with the story.
I gave this a 7-star rating because of all the above. I recommend this to anyone who likes found-footage horror films that are done very well.