"La croisée dans un labyrinth étranger" is a series taking place in France at the end of the 19th century and centers around a little Japanese girl who comes to stay with a French shop keeper and his uncle. Through the series Yune learns everything to know about life in France and how different it is from life in Japan. This has all the makings of a great drama and good old fish-out-of-water story but unfortunately Corisee fails to deliver on anything substantial.
The series is not as heavy handed in the drama which really seems to be the unraveling point for the story. Rather than a foreigner learning of a foreign culture or experiencing culture shock Yune puts on a bright smile acts all cute and adapts seamlessly into French life the only thing she can't get used to apparently is the cheese. Not only that Yune cooks and cleans and helps keep the shop which puts the series into a borderline "Yamato Nadeshiko" territory. Yamato Nadeshiko put simply is the idealized perfect Japanese girlfriend or wife, however Croisee doesn't overdue it like other series such as "Chobits." Because Yune is so cute and perfect and adapts so well into a completely foreign world this robs the story of all conflict. The series is essentially one long pleasant walk through the park. Any sings of potential conflict are quickly put out with a smiling face and a helping hand and instant BFFs.
The series is painfully ordinary and underwhelming. The story lacks conflict, drama, and any characterization. We get a few passing details of Yune and Claude and we see a few other characters in the mix but not much is done with them.
Where it does not lack however is the stunning art direction and beautiful animation and color pallets. Beautiful to look at but lackluster storyline makes this a forgettable entry.