An abused wife, Viviana, goes to a bar and is approached by another woman Alicia. Alicia hears her complaints then tells her her story. She is in sales and involved with the boss, Lorena. Lorena just hired a new girl and fell for her and plans to give her part of the company. Alicia suggests Lorena they each eliminate the others' problem. They agree. Viviana is supposed to go first but the day before Alicia and Lorena make up, but it's too late, Viviana is already on her mission. As luck would have it, when she gets there she finds Lorena and the new girl, a struggle ensues and the new girl is killed. Then Viviana jumps into action.
Reluctantly, Alicia takes her turn killing the abusive husband. By now cops are investigating the disappearances. The company lawyer is also involved, he has a romantic and financial stake in the outcome of who get the company in the end.
This is a sexy but plain, somewhat noir drama, made on a low budget. For a Colombian movie, the female cast isn't particularly beautiful but they all do look great topless or in bikinis. Acting isn't very convincing and neither is the lighting and sound, or lack of ambient sounds rather. The story is interesting and you want to find out how it all turns out and who lives or dies. It has a surprise in there as well. I don't think there have been a lot of this type of movie coming out of Colombia, so this movie is a good start, while not exactly compelling.