After wrapping up season two The Vanishing today I think I can safely say I don't ever need to watch a third season. It is not a bad show by all means. The first season did a good enough job with establishing a coherent story while weaving in the elements from the more known Goosebumps books in the series but season two, while doing the same mostly, begins to lose it's luster in that regard, having used and blown it's full wad on the more memorable books in season one with only really one that I can remember in season two that becomes a steady theme in the Vanishing season. The beginning of the season had more promise, feeling like it was a mix of Little Shop of Horrors with a hint of Swamp Thing and ended up being more Invasion of the Body Snatchers in the end. The acting from David Schwimmer this season was fun to watch in his quirky manner but the rest of the cast felt like they were all green around the ears and so young it showed. Plus there was too many romantical sub plots for me to care to keep up with and the way it ended was way too cliched and forcing a cliffhanger if you can call it that to hope to milk a season three out of Disney, which I don't think it should get in my honest opinion. Ask me in a week what I remember from this one and I'd best tell you my entire dinner menu from the past month with pinpoint accuracy over what happened in this season. Overall, while it has some good ideas, it's writing and execution felt lackluster at best and as a reader of most of the Goosebumps hits from the 90s as a kid I can say you'd probably be better off picking those old Scholastic books back up and dusting them off to have a better time than watching this show.