A Family Man tells the story of Dane Jensen (Butler), a headhunter who is proficient at his job, and will sink to all lows to be the best at it. He balances that with a home life, which he maybe isn't home for enough, but is putting in the time to make ends meet for his family.
His whole world is thrown for a loop when his eldest child is found to have a terminal disease. The story follows an extremely predictable path of redemption.
The disappointing aspect of the movie is in what could have been. Butler gives a solid performance as the main character, and Alfred Molina, Willem Defoe, Gretchen Mol, and Alison Brie are all equally up the task. However, the script does such a good job painting Butler's character as ruthless that when it wants to redeem him, all you can do is ask: Really? Similarly Defoe's and Molina's arcs betray they characters.
It really is a shame, because the actors deserved better,