If you have read the books and wanted to keep enjoying the company of the Salom family a bit longer like I did, you will enjoy this. I did, mostly!
The one letdown is the casting of Blanki. The actress is so incredibly forced & unnatural - she delivers majority of her lines in a weird hushed and rushed conspiratorial-like monotone. I see she went on to act in many other shows so maybe it was bad direction, but I somehow doubt it. By episode 6, her scenes became so grating that I had to watch in bursts to get a break.. A shame since she is the main character.
The actress playing Riki is not as bad as expected after reading the only other review. Yes she does seem very fake in her young days, and also somehow whenever she is around her family. When she's independent of them in Beograd, Dubrovnik etc, I think she does an excellent job. All the lengthy dancing scenes were a bit over the top though..
The other 3 sisters and the mother are great, especially Klara.
Marko is very charming but... small! Such a big deal is made in the book about him being so much larger than Blanki and Riki and I felt that was missing from the show as it took away some of his perceived power.
Quality of the production is better than I expected. It's not amazing, but it's watchable and even enjoyable and cute.
All in all a pleasant walk down the memory lane of the books I love, with the exception of terrible Blanki.