This is a GREAT show!! It's silly, and funny, and heart-warming too. I love the chemistry of all the characters together, and in each couples-set. Great jokes, stories and chemistry! Keep this show going-- it makes for a Wednesday that I look forward too!!! I wasn't sure about this show when it first started, but it seemed to get better and better each week. I really do look forward to it coming on, on Wednesdays- it's become a part of my line-up!!! I hope this show continues, and is given every opportunity to be successful, it is a great show! :) This show is surprising, and different. I love how the show starts and ends with each couples versions of an incident or conversation. It's so funny to see how each set handles something. Everyone is very well cast and does a fantastic job. This show is awesome, I just don't know what else I could say-- but, WATCH IT! :)