Saturday Morning All-Star Hits is an adult live-action/animation show that serves as a parody of cartoons from the 80's and 90's. Hosted by Skip and Treybor (who are an obvious parody of NBC's Saturday morning cartoon block having two teens hosting), the show is basically like Comedy Central's version of TV Funhouse, complete with cartoon parodies and fake commercials. However, making this different is that the cartoons are parodies of the ones from the 1980's and 1990's (like Randy, which is a parody of Denver The Last Dinosaur, The Create-A-Crittles, which parodies Care Bears, and the Strongimals, which parodies Thundercats). This is a good adult cartoon series, with some good voice actors (like Kyle Mooney, Cree Summer, Frank Welker, and even Eric Bauza and Kevin Michael Richardson), and the cartoons and fake commercials are well done. If there's one thing I wish they can improve on, it's the Skip and Trybor segments, as they seem to be too generic and out of place among the cartoon carnage (although one episode, DANGER, makes fun of the horribly bad Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue, especially the messed up moments). And best of all, the cartoons are all tied to one specific plot, as are the live action scenes. This is one show worth giving a try if you are into parodies and want to relive the glory days of childhood (only in adult form).