Finished watching the (true life) movie on Lifetime. All I can say is ack! Horrible acting and plot line. "Not Without My Daughter" with Sally Field is 1M times better.
The acting by Sally Field is credible, fully dimensional; whereas the actress playing the mother tries to interject today's MeToo attitude into the role. Today's women according to Glamour and Cosmo must be brash, rude, obnoxious and classless because all men are pigs and misogynistic. Unrealistic scenes and the mother acts like an a** in Greece. I understand the need to have your children back...but. The reviews on Amazon of the book are not very positive as some do not believe all the components of the story. Also not needed is the soul saving she (mother) does on her job. Wasted 15 minutes on job stuff when more time could have been devoted to the story line (if you want a story on abuse and shelters then do it). Towards the end wanted to give the actress playing the mother a chill pill or a blunt as her acting was so annoying, so overwrought and nondimensional. So cut and dried; every problem solved in a minute and makes it look so easy to get kids back from a foreign country as long as you act like an a**. Don't bother.