I have always been a fan of the Disney sing along series, and Campout at Walt Disney World is no exception. It is every bit as entertaining for children and adults as other entries in the series. I might not quite have the same sense of nostalgia I have while watching Very Merry Christmas Songs, 12 Days of Christmas, Zip a Dee Do Dah or Let's Go to the Circus, but it is still a great video, with some spirited children, a classic array of Disney characters, Goofy is my favourite here, many well staged scenes(Comin' Round the Mountain for instance) that may take you back to the memories of any camping holidays you had with family or friends and great songs especially Country Road. The video looks beautiful too making you want to be at Walt Disney World and the voice work is excellent. In conclusion, a great and entertaining entry in the series. 9/10 Bethany Cox