This isekai series is centred on Aileen Lauren d'Autriche, a woman who has been reincarnated into the world of a video game she once played. One day she gets the memories of her previous life back and realises her character is destined to die at the hands of demon lord Claude Jean Ellmeyer... she comes up with a plan to survive this fate; she will get him to fall in love with her! Inevitably she will face various challenges along the way.
I thought this was an okay but ultimately forgettable series. The title and general idea automatically brings to mind 'My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!'... which is unfortunate as that was a much better series. It started well enough, with early episodes that got be interested. Unfortunately as the story progressed it gripped me less and often I found my mind wandering. Perhaps it will be better now the whole series is out and one doesn't have to wait a week between episodes. Overall I wouldn't say this is a must see but equally I wouldn't say it was terrible; if you are a fan of the genre try a few episodes and see what you think.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.