I had great expectations for the television series "American Born Chinese," but they were quickly shattered. This comedy-drama series, based on Gene Luen Yang's graphic novel, follows the journey of Jin Wang, a Chinese-American teenager striving to fit in with his predominantly white high school.
While the show effectively explores themes of identity, belonging, and cultural assimilation, its execution falls short. In an attempt to cram numerous ideas into its eight episodes, the series lacks the necessary depth and character development.
The show's tone is inconsistent, with the supernatural elements feeling out of place and the humour often failing to make me laugh. The acting is commendable, particularly the performances of Ben Wang and Jimmy Liu, who excel as the main duo. The production design and cinematography are impressive, although the special effects leave much to be desired.
This series offers a lively portrayal of challenges faced by individuals straddling two different worlds. It fails to fully delve into its themes and develop its characters. I found myself bored throughout its runtime.